Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Gone Fishing

Dear Lily, Ella, and Charlie,

Shortly after Dad came home from Texas, he spontaneously decided to take the whole family fishing.  Well, it was mostly Ella and Daddy fishing.  Lily hung out in the stroller most of the time.  I took pictures, and Charlie liked to throw rocks in the river and scare all of the fish away.  Even though we may not all have been interested in catching a fish, it was such a special time with all of us together.  I love that you have a Dad (and I have a husband) who will just announce, “Let’s go fishing everyone!”  Then we hop in the truck and go.  How cool is that?

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Just as we were packing up to go home . . . (drumroll) WE CAUGHT ONE!


Luckiest wife and mom ever!

Lily’s Standing, Oh!


Dear Lily,

Maybe it’s because you’re my third child, but you seem to grow up so much faster than your siblings.  One day in late August, I came in to your room to get you from your nap, and there you were smiling up at me with those big blue eyes.  You looked so pleased that you had learned how to pull yourself up.  I smiled back at you, but what I really wanted to say was, “Slow down kiddo.  You’re my last baby.  What’s the rush?”  Although sometimes I want you to stay little forever, I am so proud that you pick things up quickly.  It doesn’t matter how big you get, you will always be my baby. 


