Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas

Dear Lily,

This year, we got to celebrate Christmas three times: once at home, once at Grammy and Pa's, and once at Nana and Papa's.  I love it when the holidays are filled with spending time with the family.

A few weeks before Christmas, you helped us decorate (and undecorate) the tree.

This was your gift from Mom and Dad.  Charlie and Ella both have their own chairs, so you needed a chair to sit in too.

Then it was off to Grammy and Pa's house to play with cousins and open presents.

You're not really a fan of the posed pictures yet.

On Christmas Eve, we went to Nana and Papa's house. You look like such a California girl riding the skateboard.

Nana had everyone re-enact the Nativity.  You were too little to participate, but don't worry, I'm sure that you will have many other chances.

Nana called in a special favor to Santa to have him come and deliver your Christmas jammies.

I hope that we will be able to gather together often as an extended family and celebrate the birth of the Savior.  I bet that it makes Him smile to watch all of you cousins playing together.  I love you soooo much.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lily's Turning UNO

Dear Lily,

After I threw Charlie’s 1st birthday, I saw the cutest idea for an UNO themed party.  I was so excited that you were coming so that I could use this super fun idea for your first birthday.

We held the party at West Wetlands Park.  It was a little bit chilly for Yuma, but we all had a good time.

Although your party was almost perfect, I did make one error.  I did not take into consideration the color of the frosting on your first cake.  I just wanted a color to match the UNO theme, and I thought red was a smart choice.  Turns out, it was not a great choice because you ended up looking like a crime scene by the time you were done eating it.  Luckily, you didn’t seem to care one bit what the color of the frosting was.

Feliz UNO cumpleanos mi amor!


In the Cabinet

Dear Lily,

One of your favorite games to play with your siblings is to take all of the linens out of the cabinet and hide in there.  Then Charlie yells, '”Mom, knock on my door!”  I hop over the tablecloths and towels, knock on the door, and then fling the cabinet door open.  You all erupt with squeals, and the game starts all over again.  Sometimes Dad gets into the cabinet with you and tickles you with kisses.  It’s good clean fun for all, except the towels and tablecloths.

IMG_1886 IMG_1835 IMG_1836  IMG_1894 IMG_1840 IMG_1883 IMG_1887 IMG_1889

I will admit that I rarely wash them or fold them again.  I just shove them back in the cabinet.  If you have memories of wrinkled tablecloths, just remember that we had tons of fun putting the wrinkles in them.



We All Scream for Ice Cream

Dear Lily,

Well, we waited 11 whole months to give you your first taste of something sweet.  We though you needed to be prepared before having your birthday cake. As you can see, all it took was one lick.

iPhone pics 4 048iPhone pics 4 049iPhone pics 4 050  

The funny thing is that you really do not prefer sweets to salty snacks, but I don’t know anyone who would turn down a delicious drumstick.  Scrumptious!



Your First Halloween

Dear Lily,

Right now Ella’s favorite show is Phineas and Ferb.  She watches it every morning while you and Charlie are still sleeping.  This year for Halloween, she wanted to be Phineas.  I wanted to have a family-themed Halloween, so I had Charlie dress up as Ferb, and I had you go as Perry the Platypus.

Here’s a funny backstory to Perry the Platypus.  When I taught freshman Biology, I remember teaching a lesson where a platypus was mentioned.  I told my students that my family mascot is a platypus because my maiden name is Platt.  One of my students shouted from the back of the room, “Really Mrs. G?!?  That is so cool! Your family mascot is a platypus!”  I remember being so confused as to why this was so exciting for him, but now that I’ve watched the show, I realize just how cool having a platypus as a family mascot really is! Where’s Perry?

IMG_1804 IMG_1802 Oh, there you are Perry!

Here’s one of the whole family together.  None of the pictures turned out great, but you get the idea.

IMG_1805 IMG_1789

May I just say that you put the Platt in platypus!




October Fun

Dear Lily,

I am terribly behind on my letters to you, so the next few posts will be brief.  Here are some clips from the month of October 2013 and all the fun stuff we’ve done.

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Charlie' and Ella’s birthday party in Valley Center.

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Playing at Grammy’s house.

IMG_1700 IMG_1696 IMG_1698 It’s finally cool enough to go to the park!

IMG_1728 IMG_1727 Charlie loves to pour dirt on people’s heads, including his own.  You are so happy to get attention from him that you smiled a big gritty grin.


October is one of my favorite months in Yuma.  The weather gets nicer, we play outside and spend time with family.  To me, there’s nothing better in life.


